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Podcast: A Huge Increase in the FUSF Factor

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission announced a jaw droppingly high USF contribution factor—24.4%. In simple terms, for every $10 million a business spends on telecom services, an enterprise will also be laying out an additional $2.4 million in USF assessments. Even worse, this number will likely go higher unless […]

Sprint/T-Mobile Merger Update

The proposed merger between Sprint and T-Mobile was announced over a year ago and the deal is still pending. The merger is being closely reviewed in Washington because one camp believes fewer mobile carriers would be bad for consumers, while another camp sees a stronger third wireless carrier as important […]

Delivering Innovation & Cost Savings Conferences

For nearly 20 years the lawyers of LB3 and consultants of TC2 have been running conferences to share our knowledge of the telecom and information communications technology market. In 2019 we’ve already delivered our conference in Atlanta and will soon be presenting our London conference, followed by Minneapolis and then […]

September 10, 2019 – Minneapolis Conference

Don’t miss this half-day TC2 and LB3 conference organized exclusively for IT and procurement management professionals in the Minneapolis area. The conference is specifically designed for large companies focused on maintaining best-in-class network and IT infrastructure deals and seeking the latest innovative services, solutions and approaches for delivering cost savings, […]

The Insatiable Appetite for Data and How Enterprises Can Avoid Over-Sharing

Lately we’ve witnessed a torrent of revelations about the collection and sharing of user information by technology companies, and with so much information being shared it seems like a new data privacy scandal erupts almost daily.  As an enterprise, you need to be aware of what’s happening because it could […]