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AT&T Increases the Property Tax Allotment Surcharge

Non-FCC mandated surcharges on ICT services have increased threefold over the last ten years, and AT&T’s recent increase in its Property Tax Surcharge is just the latest installment.      In this 7-minute podcast, Deb Boehling, a partner at LB3, joins Tony Mangino to unpack the surcharge regimes and discuss what […]

Transacting for a Successful ERP Transformation

ERP systems have been around for many years, but there is now significant focus on modernizing ERP systems by shifting them to the cloud.  In this 8-minute podcast, Marc Lindsey, a partner at LB3, joins Tony Mangino to discuss the risks and opportunities companies face when transacting for and adopting […]


One of the challenges and advantages of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is that the technology is always changing. The need to communicate in real time and to share information, however, does not change. It’s importance just grows.  As we close out the first quarter of the century, we reflect […]

Current Trends in IT Outsourcing and the Rise of XLA’s

At TC2 we continue to see IT outsourcing as an important and growing space for enterprise customers.  Recent engagements confirm the shift away from “factory” style managed services toward dedicated staffing models as well as the evolution of IT tooling approaches and the rise of the experience level agreement (XLA).    […]

Unpacking Gartner’s 2024 TEM Market Guide

The latest Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services from Gartner is out and includes market trends and customer feedback on the major providers in the Telecom Expense Management (“TEM”) services space.  In this 12-minute podcast, Theresa Knutson and Julie Gardner join Tony Mangino to discuss the latest from Gartner […]