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THE VIRGINIA CONSUMER DATA PROTECTION ACT AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUR IT AGREEMENTS.     In early March, Governor Northam of Virginia signed into law the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA).  Effective January 1, 2023, this new Act will require businesses that do significant business in Virginia or produce products […]

Trends to Watch in 2021

As we have done for the past several years, LB3 and TC2 have compiled a list of the trends we believe will have the greatest importance to, and impact on, enterprise ICT customers in the new year.  We will explore each of the following areas in greater detail with one […]

California Privacy Rights Act a.k.a. the Evolving and Expanded California Consumer Privacy Act 2.0 – Telecom and Technology Purchasers Get Ready

On November 3, California voters approved Prop 24, which enacted the new “California Privacy Rights Act.”  This Act, a.k.a. the “CPRA,” substantially amends the existing California Consumer Privacy Act, known as the “CCPA.”  The CPRA, like its predecessor, imposes obligations on businesses with regard to the “personal information” – or […]

FCC Opens 4.9 GHz Band to Leasing and Public/Private Partnerships

The FCC recently adopted new rules for the 4940 – 4990 MHz (“4.9 GHz”) Public Safety band to give state governments authority to lease or share this spectrum with non-public safety entities for public safety, private, or commercial service. The new rules provide an opportunity for many types of entities to access 4.9 […]

FCC Declines to Stay Rules on Use of Unlicensed Devices at 6 GHz

This is an update on the FCC’s recent proceeding (ET Docket No. 18-295) to allow the deployment of new unlicensed transmitting devices, most likely for use as Wi-Fi devices, in the 5925-7125 MHz (“6 GHz”) band. The rules allowing unlicensed devices at 6 GHz became effective on July 27, 2020, […]